Playlist system I literally just finished making in my game

the submit button will let you add new songs or remove songs from the playlists
the play playlist button will play that specific playlist

tell me what you think about this :smiley:

NOTE: the playlist literally saves using datastores without using json because yea

btw here is a video showing how to change songs

EDIT: I forgot to say that I used Audio Visualizer Bars for the visualizer, just wanted to thank boatbomber for that
also I fixed datastore problems and fixed some visuals such as the white borders


Hi, good job. I like the UI design, the GUI animations, and the music playlist as well. But I recommend that you lower the BorderSizePixel.


it is annoying that it depends on your screen size, I would add UIStroke because I am in the beta program but that isn’t publicly released yet
honestly I could add a frame underneath guis to make it similar but that would take way too much time and would be tedious

other then that thanks for the suggestion

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Hey the video doesn’t work. Did you do something to it?

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it works fine for me, is it just on your end then?

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uh which recorder did you use?

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my recorder isn’t the problem, this is most likely your end
I uploaded a mp4 onto
this website is completely fine

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ooh nvm its a banned website in my country ill just use a vpn

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woah, what happened with that?

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ima add a second video on here later because I didn’t really show how the submit button works yet

other then that I think I am going to just use UIStroke instead of BorderPixelSize because it’s going to release publicly soon

I added the second video so you can understand the submit button
hope you like this