PlayLocalSound issue

I was looking at the PlayLocalSound function from the SoundService and found maybe a bug or maybe I am doing something wrong.

In the Roblox Documentation it says that you can use the .Ended Function after a PlayLocalSound call to wait and then remove the instance, but that isn’t what it is doing. The .Ended function just inf yields.

Roblox Documentation :

What I did :


If anyone else can try this and see if this works for them I would be grateful!

I’ve been trying to tell you in VC for the past 10 minutes… Anyways:

(too lazy too rewrite my text here, please don’t warn me Roblox X_X, I was just trying to help.)

fair enough though, its probably a bug .-.

Play local sound does not trigger it, just do something like game:GetService(“Debris”):AddItem(sound,howlongitlasts)

do this when it plays

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Yeah, Roblox needs to change the documentation because it was a little misleading.

Yeah, I give up. I was trying to help you for 20 minutes in VC. Shouting and trying to get your attention but now that you said u had me muted… That’s just sad. Anyhow, I said that the “Playing” property never gets enabled NOR does Ended callback get called .-.

(edit: I apricate you saying that you don’t have me muted, buy lying isn’t very kind. Sadge.)

I have a small feeling they use ai, just a small feeling.

There is no :Play() ? hmmm

The :play method plays it on a part.

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