(PlayStation/XBOX) Mouse/Controller Cursor Visual Bug

This glitch occurs whenever the Player on XBOX/PlayStation uses a Keyboard and Mouse to play the game.

I personally use keyboard and mouse all the time, and I prefer it that way. Roblox is so much more fun especially on console when you’re able to use a keyboard and mouse.

The glitch I’m referring to happens whenever the player clicks. The mouse cursor image will flicker downwards and sometimes upwards.

This glitch is unbelievably annoying, as it prevents the player from being able to click on things with the mouse in first person.

I’m well aware that the Console port of Roblox wasn’t designed to be played with a keyboard and mouse, but this glitch shouldn’t be that hard to fix. Just a small little update that would genuinely make the console version of Roblox a competitor to the PC version… That is for me anyways.

I’m pretty sure this same glitch also happens for the default controller cursor as well.

Have a great day to whoever is reading this, and please fix this issue… It would mean a lot to me.


Expected behavior

I expect the Mouse/Controller cursor to remain in the default position whenever I click, and NOT flicker up or down.

A private message is associated with this bug report


This has been a bug on console for so long. I’m surprised it’s still here.


I don’t understand why they won’t fix such a simple bug.


They still haven’t fixed it and it bugs me.