Playtest an early version of my game Bagel Bakery Simulator!

Hi everybody, I’m glad to be at a point in my game’s development where I can ask for feedback from the community. My game is a simulator about running your own bagel bakery.

The gameplay is simple: click/tap on blocks of dough with your dough knife to harvest dough, and use it to make bagels. Sell them and use the profit to upgrade your operation.

Please try it out and leave any constructive feedback, suggestions, or comments.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

The main thing the game needs is polishing for the UI and Building, A map expansion and multiplayer.

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Map expansion and multiplayer are definitely planned, as well as better graphics. Any feedback for gameplay? Excuse the late response lol

Just some more content. Bread pickup system maybe? Could give you cash or bread :man_shrugging:

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both the gui and map could improve game play is kinda stale to me aswell good concept tho

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The bagel is stale, now that is a coincidence.

I couldn’t even get the dough, they are too small for the knife to reach, first person fixes that. The map is super basic and the UI is also super basic. I couldn’t even make a bagel after having 30 pieces of ‘white’ dough.

Overall, I give this a 3 out of 10. Great concept and I would love to see what you do with this game in the future.

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you say you couldn’t click the small version of the dough with a knife, and you couldn’t make a bagel with 30 pieces of dough? Sounds like a bug with the game not responding to input. What platform did you play on, and does this happen each time you join a game?

PC, this happens all the time. The food is too small if you are in third person. It is fine in first person.