I’ve been advertizing my game for a few days. I’ve managed to increase average playtime considerably. The problem is that mobile users bring this average down. PC players tend to have almost double the playtime of mobile users. I have no idea why, because gameplay on mobile should be pretty good as well, I’ve added clear and simple buttons.
If you try out my game on mobile and tell me what would impact the playtime this much, I’d be very thankful.
would you mind to post your Engagement > Average Session Time chart
and New user first session retention
also Retention > D1 Retention Chart
“Breakdown by” choose Platform
Here you go, I also gave daily active users because not all days contain reliable data, sponsors on those days either didn’t go well or I didn’t sponsor
some UI are hard to see, such as the Inventory. not the immediate problem though.
i played on pc first, i went into the chocolate land at first, not sure if it is the tutorial map but i feel it can be a bit hard for first time. I don’t feel the glide help much, double jump is just better.
next i was in Jungle, the contrast is very bad. especially the tree logs on ground is hard to see.
continued playing on mobile, in City Map. it is much the same in terms of difficulty. i don’t like the constant need to press the speed up button. in my view, it should be always accelerating unless i press speed down to brake. not a big deal though. i would say the level difficulty contributes more.
I get the hang of it this 3rd time. i finished the City Map. but it says no win, need at least two players. slightly disappointing i cannot grind for wins. may not be deal breaker i don’t see the use of wins yet
overall, it may be a bit hard and intimidating for new comers.
This might be due to the game’s difficulty.
For a tutorial world, (and probably the first few worlds) you might want to go for something more forgiving considering it’s harder to play with their controls.
we can also see from the New user first session retention, for 50% mark, Phone is around 2:00-2:30, Computer is 3:00-3:30, both are not great. so the problem is general
because qualified play through rate look for the 3 min mark, we better need >50% Percent still playing after 5 minutes
Thank you for all the feedback! I’ll definitely improve the contrast on Jungle map, the chocolate map used to have the same problem but I fixed it there.
For the wins, I didn’t count wins when playing solo because it would potentially discourage players from playing against each other. Maybe I could change this up to give more wins to a player when playing against multiple people.
As for the difficulty, what exactly makes it difficult? Is it the lack of space between the obstacles? Is it the speed? I’ve been playing my own game for so long that I genuinely don’t know
the saw, the cliffs for example. we can easily notice their danger aspect. they are okay to me.
but when we meet the crate and logs, we could land on them, which suggests they are harmless. but as soon as you run into it, you are also killed. which can be quite frustrating.
i think in some classic platformers, the screen keep going forward. when you run into the crate or logs for example, it would not kill you but will hold your character there instead. and if you dont jump to release yourself, you would then die from being off screen. i feel that this would be more forgiving to the player.
but if it is too big of a change to current game play, i think you might add some nails or dangerous object to the side of the crate to show that you would die running into it.
the needing to keep pressing the speed up button make doing glide and slide more difficult especially on mobile.
also i didnt know we can keep sliding when holding down the slide button (would it also glide longer distance if holding down the glide button?)
i notice that sometimes it says i did some combo, but i have no idea what i have done. and the combo effect is quite subtle. if this is a significant part of game design, try to make it more intuitive to trigger and having greater vfx for mentally rewarding it.
i am not sure if it is being told in tutorial and i dont know if i have played the tutorial or not. most likely not as i just walked straight into the stage as suggested by the lobby design (and it is chocolate land at that time)