Please add a search bar for the plugin management window

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to find plugins to quickly disable and reenable them.

A mockup of what I mean

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I could quickly enable plugins that I don’t use frequently, but need periodically in my workflow.

While another solution can/will be better plugin button management, for now, this will also help in general with managing a large amount of plugins.

(Credit to @wallofgarlic for this proposal initially)


i totally Agree with that it’s very tedious to keep searching for plugin individually


This would be a very convenient QOL change for many developers on the platform. I have a lot of plugins on my account, and it’s difficult to find a single one through a list of nearly 100. Please implement this!

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Please consider adding this feature! Look how miniscule my scroll bar is. It’s hard to find plugins to toggle them.

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Lately I’ve been feeling the pain of not having a search bar for this window. This is one of those small changes that would greatly improve my developing experience.


Bumping this, it’s been driving me insane for years, even the new material picker has a search bar.


i cannot belive its still not added…
its such tedious task searching for a plugin

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