As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to find plugins to quickly disable and reenable them.
A mockup of what I mean
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I could quickly enable plugins that I don’t use frequently, but need periodically in my workflow.
While another solution can/will be better plugin button management, for now, this will also help in general with managing a large amount of plugins.
(Credit to @wallofgarlic for this proposal initially)
This would be a very convenient QOL change for many developers on the platform. I have a lot of plugins on my account, and it’s difficult to find a single one through a list of nearly 100. Please implement this!
Lately I’ve been feeling the pain of not having a search bar for this window. This is one of those small changes that would greatly improve my developing experience.