Please add detailed documentation and sample images about the difference between studs, size and extents offset properties

The API reference page on BillboardGui for StudsOffset(WorldSpace) and ExtentsOffset(WorldSpace) is very vague and unclear, even up to reusing the same wording to further obscure the difference between these properties. SizeOffset is also contributing to this. There are five offset properties and the difference is massively unclear other than making best case assumptions on their use.

All pages:

It would be very helpful to explain the difference between these two, or show how their differences may highlight in gameplay. Knowing which one is best to use for certain scenarios would improve the UI development experience greatly.


Hey @colbert2677! Thank you very much for reporting this. I’ve added it to the documentation todo list, and we’ll get to it in due time.



Hey there, these pages are finally getting the update they deserve. The changes should be visible within a day or so right now. Let me know if there’s any room for improvement; in the future I’d like to include a visual explanation.


This is great, thank you! It’s great to actually know what these properties do.

Just want to quickly note that on SizeOffset, AbsoluteSize was incorrectly linked and currently appears as BillboardGui/AbsoluteSize|AbsoluteSize.

It’s just a bit more explanation but it’s already helped me to better understand the difference of these properties. I’m looking forward to the planned visual explanations to further augment the extended descriptions, especially wrt extents properties.


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