Please be transparent about upcoming algorithm changes

Recently, algorithm changes have practically killed a ton of smaller games (100 - 10K CCU) and its really frustrating. Ill link the post here, but thats a whole other can of worms that i wont be opening.

In another case after this, impressions shot up (as detailed here) and im not quite sure whether it was an algorithm change or a natural traffic increase.

Or, What about a recent change, where avatar shops have started declining?

The reoccurring theme with all of these scenarios is that these all came without warning and that Roblox never publicly addressed these changes to developers (who possibly PAY THE BILLS with aforementioned affected games).

TL;DR plz be transparent about algorithm changes thx


I’m the one in the example there.
It was really weird seeing my home acquisitions drop off a cliff in one day flat, on a Saturday no less, while my impressions didn’t reduce nearly as much. On top of that, my CTR did not go down at all. So I have no idea what happened, my game was on a path to a certain death for 2 weeks and then simply pulled out of it.
To be clear, I got more Home players on the Thursday and Friday right before the red lines(3,360) than I did in the 17 days after(2,582). This is a stable 8 year old game, not a new one. It makes no sense.

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I’d like more communication from the Search & Discovery team overall.

I assume the changes in the algorithm is favoring diversity of content being recommend in a specific aspect or in multiple ways. So, with communication, we could learn if the change was “good” for the average user on Roblox. But, without that communication, developers are going to be angry thinking it was a bad change.

That’s not to say the algorithm changes affecting people are “good”. I’m just saying there’s a chance that Roblox made a change that benefits overall rather than certain developers.

We’re probably the vocal minority, not everyone can be pleased or winners, etc.

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