This post has been deleted for personal privacy reasons
How good are you at marketing exactly considering I already made a game called Egg Simulator …
I didn’t pick the name. I handle the communications with Roblox staff and management of the product, not product design.
Wouldn’t this fall under product management? I’m certain a manager would handle these situations for their clients.
Do you give precise feedback on work and are you really meticulous?
Extremely meticulous and precise— I’m a perfectionist.
Pretty cool to see people offer services like these,
Though you never really gave us an idea of how much you charge
Here’s what I told DevUltra when he asked
Hey Dev. I handle cross promotions with members of the star program, Twitter advertisement programs, and the overseeing of day to day Twitter interactions. My usual pricing is 10 USD an hour, since I work part time. I’m also able to do the robux price but I prefer the first option. I’m able to negotiate though
For example, I can drop my price slightly for percentage
How do you track and report your hours worked?
I am willing to use an application that the boss is interested in, or I can log hours in a Google sheet
This portfolio has been updated for general audiences due to it being available to the public.