Please don't clear bug report wizard input when switching pages

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to switch pages in the bug report wizard. If you go forward or back you lose input.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because filing bugs would be less painful.


We are aware of this problem and have plans to address it very soon™ with an update to the wizard so that it is single-page-only, instead of multi-page.


Ok, now I can’t reproduce this, so feel free to close it. Sorry about this!

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Wait, nevermind, maybe this reproduces if multiple submissions are open at once. Still, feel free to close.

I think it’s related to multiple tabs open on the wizard at the same time. I’ll forward this, but I’m hoping that with the wizard simplifications that will be rolling in, it should be easier for folks to finish an entry in its entirety before starting a new one in a separate tab.

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Going to assume this is resolved now that the wizard is simplified to be fewer pages. Let me know if this is still an on-going issue for you otherwise!

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