Please help how do I transparent a "GetChildren"

  1. I’m trying to make it so a get children is transparent, I want it legit smooth I’ve tried making separate tweens transparent, they aren’t synced and glitch a bit… Okay, what I mean by this is I want basically a model to transparent, if I wanted to do this I’d have to do like 10 lines of code referring to 10 parts individually.

  1. I’ve tried this code… for i, Part in pairs(workspace.Statue.Statue2.Sign:GetChildren()) do if Part:IsA("BasePart") then local Light2Tween = TweenService:Create(Part, {Transparency = 1}) -- if you want lights to always be on delete this lines 38-42 end

Here’s 1 of the scripts that work with color I want the get children to be transparent instead of color.

			if Part:IsA("BasePart") then
				local Light2Tween = TweenService:Create(Part, tweenInfoColor, {Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)})
				Light2Tween:Play()											-- if you want lights to always be on delete this lines 38-42

Thank you.

The picture is showing that the black frame is under the block where it’s supposed to be the same

Union all the pieces to form 1 singular piece tho be aware you wanna do this in studio and not in-game as its extremely laggy.

try GetDescendants instead of getchildren
also better to use local script to do this not server if you can

The thing about that I wanna keep my materials roblox doesn’t have a option “to keep materials” the whole union will be 1 material, there’s neon, then there’s plastic

The dancefloor isn’t client, it’s server wise.

Right, but it is replicated to the client, so it exists there. It’s harder to set up though and while it’s better for the network, I don’t know if this is the right solution for you;

for index, part in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do
	if part:IsA("Part") or part:IsA("MeshPart") then
		--Do what you like

This script should help you, Here this script makes the size devided by 2, you can change it to transparency as you wish.

	for _, Child in ipairs(yours:GetChildren()) do
					if Child:IsA("BasePart") then
						TweenService:Create(Child,, { Value = Child.Value / 2}):Play()
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How would I change it transparent tho that’s what I don’t get? Can you provide an example, please?