Please help me i got hacked and all my robux was spent!




You should tell roblox support about this.

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Open a Roblox Support ticket then tell them you got hacked and send a screenshot highlighting all the items in your purchase history that was bought without your permission. If Roblox can verify it, they will reimburse you as a one-time courtesy with your Robux.

i did!! but they ignore…
“Our team is currently reviewing your request and will follow up with you within 24 hours.”
this shouldn’t need to be reviewed. someone’s account was compromised and had $600 worth of online currency spent?

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Your account is your responsibility according to TOS.

I’m assuming you were friended by someone randomly and you followed steps to paste a link with the Roblox site open. Very common scam and it’s been around for a while. I lost around 70k worth of limiteds a few years back and nothing could be done about it. It’s gone. My condolences

i haven’t spoken to anybody or pasted links or anything… i dont even accept friend requests from people i don’t know?

Any suspicions on what might have happened whatsoever?

…nope. i just logged in and noticed my robux was GONE. then i checked transactions adn there was a BUNCH of gamepasses i never bought and most of them had russian names, all the passes were under russian accounts, and when i checked where im logged in it said france and latvia, which i live in australia.

idk it happened literally just a few days after i generated backup login codes too. could someone have set up a bot that tries random codes until they work?? idk…

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this is what roblox told me, 14h ago. but im very worried.

No shady links or whatnot? Good luck then. Pray and hope for the best

no links :crying_cat_face: idk howit happened… hopefuly roblox knows.

UPDATE: roblox replied saying they cannot restore my lost robux. i am extremely disappointed in this platform. DO BETTER ROBLOX.


i mean, did you have a strong password & 2fa? if not it’s possible some hacker presumably cookie logged you

is Account Session Protection even effective here?

yeah i had strong password and 2fa. even after this happen, i change my password again to be stronger, and i still get email people trying to log in. i dont know how people guess my password.

@starryyyii Hello, a scam is known to be bookmarked by malicious sites and then once your bookmark is on your Roblox account they have access to your Roblox account. It is important to be aware of this and not create any bookmarks as web pirates will have access to your account through data recovery.

i haven’t interacted with any of those buyer guys so i dont think its that

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Ok, very well, you must protect your account as best as possible and log out of all sessions so that they lose access if they are account thieves. :smiley:

I have, however roblox REFUSES to roll back my full robux balance.

I am living in australia, and i’m pretty sure that violates some kind of consumer laws?

It is extremely complicated, yes. The only thing to do is to contact the video game regulatory authority or a specialized lawyer. :frowning:

You can also make an appointment with your bank to explain that you deposited Robux for your game but thieves stole them and that Roblox cannot help you.