local totalFixed = 0
for _, v in ipairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
local s, e = pcall(game.IsA, v, "BaseScript")
if not (s and e) then continue end
local occurrences
v.Source, occurrences = string.gsub(v.Source, "%s%-%-%[%[ Last synced.+", "")
totalFixed += math.clamp(occurrences, 0, 1)
warn("Fixed", totalFixed, "RoSync infected scripts")
I did not do this, me and a scripter were together. I know the scripter for awhile he has been helping me with the game for a few months. Why is this here?
Also I dont have any virus plugin as I only use moon editor and that is for animation editing.
Please help me, and tell me if this is a backdoor or not
I mean, it’s saying that it fixed the number of rosync infected scripts… anyways if you didn’t punt this in, then it’s probably just safer to remove it
My point, I just want an expierenced like I mean EXPIERENCED scripter to take a good look at this, because I could just remove it, but what happens if it shows up again?
Because remember this happened when I was in studio without using any plugins or any free models.