Please help me if I have a backdoor or not

In the command bar of my game, this showed

local button = plugin:CreateToolbar(“oreoollie”):CreateButton(“rm rosync”, “Removes RoSync virus.”, “rbxassetid://4826065214”)

game:GetService(“ChangeHistoryService”):SetWaypoint(“remove RoSync”)

local totalFixed = 0
for _, v in ipairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
	local s, e = pcall(game.IsA, v, "BaseScript")
	if not (s and e) then continue end

	local occurrences		
	v.Source, occurrences = string.gsub(v.Source, "%s%-%-%[%[ Last synced.+", "")
	totalFixed += math.clamp(occurrences, 0, 1)

warn("Fixed", totalFixed, "RoSync infected scripts")


I did not do this, me and a scripter were together. I know the scripter for awhile he has been helping me with the game for a few months. Why is this here?

Also I dont have any virus plugin as I only use moon editor and that is for animation editing.

Please help me, and tell me if this is a backdoor or not

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Infected scripts? Yeah definitely a back door.

I mean, it’s saying that it fixed the number of rosync infected scripts… anyways if you didn’t punt this in, then it’s probably just safer to remove it

local button = plugin:CreateToolbar(“oreoollie”):CreateButton(“rm rosync”, “Removes RoSync virus.”, “rbxassetid://4826065214”)

game:GetService(“ChangeHistoryService”):SetWaypoint(“remove RoSync”)

what is this code?

Ro sync is a possible backdoor.

“removes rosync virus”


its like some ghost put it in there ;/

Yes I had rosync in my game before, that was due to free model buildings in my game

I am familar with it. But this happened to my game, without me doing anything. How is this possible?

Reading into this, it could also be an anti virus saying fixed but i would not risk it. Not the best at scripting but this is really odd.

My point, I just want an expierenced like I mean EXPIERENCED scripter to take a good look at this, because I could just remove it, but what happens if it shows up again?

Because remember this happened when I was in studio without using any plugins or any free models.

Launch the game in studio and play in studio and tell me if there is a random script in server script service you did not place.

No all scripts are there no new scripts

double check for plugins just in case

no new plugins (here for 30 words)

ask your friend if he has any plugins if so then name them

Yes I asked him earlier. Here are some screenshots:

tell your friend disable all of them and disable them in a script two i have seen reports of 3d text plugins inserting ro sync


How would I go about disabling them in a script?

not sure i have heard of people doing it but just try to disable it for now

wait so did the scripter make it