I am really having trouble with this problem, I have searched everywhere for answers but to no avail. Maybe if I post this in the forum, I will get the answer to my problem:
I want to create leave text with sound, where if the player presses the Esc key to exit then the text and sound will appear, and also if the player presses Esc again then the text and sound will turn off.
Game example Video
Me Game Video
please help me with this problem,
local TextTesting = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
local spb = script:WaitForChild("Sound")
local GamesERS = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local enabled = false
if enabled == false then
enabled = true
TextTesting.TextLabel.Visible = true
enabled = false
TextTesting.TextLabel.Visible = false
So you are saying that user retention rate is your primary goal. If extreme methods are used to try retain players, then I personally would never ever open this game again. I wouldn’t recommend doing this outside of any meme games.