Please help me with my lighting

Any recommendations?

First of all, why is your concrete having grass growing out of it?

We can’t recommend much if we don’t know what you are trying to do. Is it supposed to be a dark shadowy place, or a bright cartoony place, or some other effect that you are trying to create.

There are so many Lighting Properties you can play with, as well as Atmospheric Effects.

well i kind of want it like a normal atmosphere but realistic but as you can see in the picture the sun is kinda orange and it has a weird dark atmosphere

to give it that zombie apocalypse vibe

Lighting changes at sunset and sunrise so if you want the sun at that position you’re going to have to change some of the Lighting values in the Properties window.

If it’s orange try making the Ambient lighting a light shade of blue, or whatever works for you.
Also try changing the Lighting Technology. As you can see in the link Future or Shadowmap are more realistic.

I can’t really tell you exactly what to change though. Experiment with every Property to see what they all do. Save a 2nd place on your computer instead of your original though so if you make a bunch of changes and don’t know how to reset it you can just go back to your original copy.