Please help my Obby is too hard!

People leave and dislike when an Obby is to hard, we created a rage game that is quite difficult for the average player. We understand that keeping players is a bit difficult on a game like this but we intend to hit the JTOH audience of skilled players that enjoy challenge. How can we reduce the frustration without remodeling stages to suit players skill. Advertising to that audience has proved in-efficient.


Well, if a player is getting frustrated, make an easy part so that they can accomplish something
If they cant do that, its their problem


Honestly, if it’s not impossible, don’t worry about it. Even the best games receive dislikes. Yours is no different. People receive dislikes regardless. You won’t find a single game without a dislike. People hate games for whatever reasons they have, whether it’s simply because the game is better than theirs, or because they hate it. Sometimes, people leave dislikes just to be funny. So don’t worry about it. As long as your obby is possible, you’ll be okay. Don’t worry about the ratings, worry about the quality of your game. Know that you did a great job making it. Have a great day.