Please help with boat that thinks it's a basket

I have a mesh I created in Blender and imported as an .fbx object … but I can’t get it to behave.

  • What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
    I want the boat to float without letting water in.

  • What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)
    The boat is not floating and the water flows through it like it’s a basket.

  • What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)
    I have made a thicker mesh, solidified my mesh and tried different collision fidelities and yes I did try a search but didn’t find anything helpful.

You may then include any further details.
My oars sink and die (fall out the bottom of the water)… I just can’t win with these meshes. lol

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Does your boat happen to be made out of wood material?

I think you can change the weight of the mesh or create an invisible mesh on the bottom so it floats how you want it to be


Hacky trick: water doesn’t render through Glass material so if you just put a glass mesh lining the inside of your boat this problem will go away :slight_smile: :sweat_smile:


Roblox Water doesn’t behave like normal water, it renders at whatever level it’s at and will ‘fill’ anything that floats below that point.
Your boat Mesh Density has to be less than 1 (water’s Density is 1) so the boat and oars will float.
I design my boats Density so that the interior surface of the boat ‘floats’ just above the flat surface of the water.


@whitezane444 it was wood, I have also tried plastic and now glass.
@boatbomber I tried changing the mesh material to glass and while it was somewhat better, it still turned into a leaky boat after a while
@Scottifly the water density was .7, and the mesh was .35 … I changed the density of the water to 1 and the mesh to 0.1 … still not floating.
@sam_0987654321best I will try this with a regular part maybe. Thanks.

Do you have other Parts welded to the Mesh? You said the oars were sinking so I’m guessing they were too dense as well.
All the boat parts have to add up as an assembly to have a density less than water so that the boat doesn’t sink.
When you say it’s sinking is it dropping down into the water, or are you just talking about the water level showing up through the ‘hollow’ section of the bottom of the boat? If the boat is only one Mesh and you made the Mesh’s Density .1 and the Water Density 1 then it won’t sink, but it will probably have the water showing through the thin boat hull. We’ve tried to explain that this is how Roblox water works. The hull won’t displace the water, the water will stay flat.

I have no other feedback on how to do it but, the design of the boat is reallly nice.

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"When you say it’s sinking is it dropping down into the water, or are you just talking about the water level showing up through the ‘hollow’ section of the bottom of the boat? "

I am talking of water showing up through the bottom and sides of the boat. As time goes on the water gets more and depending on the material/density the mesh will sink to various degrees.

It is a single piece and while I have tried to make a solid mesh, I guess it is still too thin. I wasn’t thinking the water would be displaced but rather just kept out of the boat if I had the right material and density… like a plastic cup floating on top of the water…

I think there are issues with my mesh regardless tho. because while the texture I applied isn’t at all what I would keep as a final thing there are gaps in the coverage and when watching where the water flows through the mesh it happens at very specific points … so maybe there is something in my construction that isn’t ideal. Possibly an issue when transferring from Blender to Roblox or just because I’m still pretty basic in my skill level.

I may try to make a different design…

Working on a model for you, should have it done in a bit.
Hey @boatbomber, about using glass, does it usually take a while for it to work in Studio? I test play the game in Studio and all I see is water, but then after everything else loads in and the water properties change (transparency and reflectiveness?) it suddenly disappears and I can just see the .95 Transparency glass Mesh Part I had welded to the hull of the boat.
Do you know if this is a rendering glitch that Roblox is planning on fixing or is it just the fact that those water properties are what make it happen and that they are the last things loaded into a game?

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Pirate Island - Roblox Studio (
@boatbomber this is what happened when I tried out the model Scottify made.

Not sure if that is the same thing you are describing Scottify.

Just a note, the higher the density, the heavier the boat is and it will sink. Based on your latest post, it seems like you have multiple parts attached to the boat, I assume that you did not set those parts’ density anywhere near 0.01, otherwise it will weigh out your boat to sink. Take a look at this: Boat Density w Payload Experiment.

Also, changing the entire boat material to glass is not what boatbomber meant. He meant to make a mesh that will shape within the boat shape, more like solid fill to cover just the area where the water is rendered through. Glass Trick Experiement.

Alternatively, you could just use BodyPosition with your Y-Axis to be position just above the water, then add BodyGryo with X and Z values to help stabilize your boat. Whatever works for you.

Here’s the experiment and tricks that I’ve used: Experimental Boat.rbxm (38.7 KB)

I hope this helps!

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My boat… the original one was one piece… not multiple pieces. The one you see in the gyazo gif was made by Scottify.
I tried a bunch of different densities. The boat doesn’t actually sink so much as the water just keeps coming through and with such a small boat I can’t really add enough thickness to it … or at least haven’t figured it out how to do it right yet. I tried adding a glass piece as well as making the one piece mesh just glass.

I have most certainly messed it up a million different ways. I have to rethink the design regardless as I want to have different colours/textures applied to the boat in the final product. … and I have been informed that the proportions aren’t quite right. lol

I will check out your model and try again. Thanks for the help. … I will succeed … it is just gonna take some time.