I’m not even gonna try to follow the format, because everything with scripting terrain is awful.
Anyways here’s the script I have so far
function ReturnRegion()
local ClearTerrainIndex = {
["City"] = {
["Max"] = {28.7699738, 22.2225075, 4392.28027},
["Min"] = {-195.750031, -12.6074896, 4173.27051},
local Index = ClearTerrainIndex["City"];
local Region = Region3.new(Vector3.new(Index.Min[1], Index.Min[2], Index.Min[3]), Vector3.new(Index.Max[1], Index.Max[2], Index.Max[3])):ExpandToGrid(4);
local materials, occupancies = workspace.Terrain:ReadVoxels(Region, 4);
return {Region, materials, occupancies};
workspace.Terrain:WriteVoxels(ReturnRegion()[1], 4, ReturnRegion()[2], ReturnRegion()[3]);
It clears the terrain, has no errors, but never actually pastes the region back. Please help.