Please leave some feedback on my shop UI

Hi Everyone, This is my very first UI I have finished. I would love if you guys could leave feedback!


It’s preety nice, could do rounded.

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Thank you!

I enjoy that you kept the colors consistent throughout the whole thing. There are just a couple things that could be fixed to improve it. Firstly, real simple, I don’t think text stroke helps anyone; especially the user trying to read the info. Not that it makes it impossible, it just looks way cleaner without it.

Secondly, I see you have the sides completely centered horizontally but vertically it needs to be moved up a bit to be completely centered.

To add extra balance to the whole thing, you can move the GUIs closer in and make the distance between each other horizontally the same has they are vertically as well as the distance between the slot GUIs and the edge of the base GUI.

Besides that, just keep up the consistency and it should turn out great.


Great color scheme. It draws attention while maintaining a slick contrast.
The title looks odd to me. Consider adding an underline matching the font color, as well as creating a little extra space to include said addition.


I think the UI looks really nice, great job! From what I can see currently their isn’t really anything to improve on. The only thing that I have noticed is that their is a smaller space at the bottom than the top, so I would make it centred as @VenomR10 said.

Minor mistakes or improvement possible, Though there is one point that i really WANT it to be fixed (pls)

None of the current distance between Frames/Buttons are coherent/similar somehow, make it so it’s in sync and it will not feel off at all if you do so.

Also you should vary the money icon, if you can.


Sleek and modern. I like it. I would however consider using different images for different numbers of coins – not sure if you’ve already planned that. Since you’re asking for feedback, I find the orange to be highly pervasive, bright, and unyielding. Why not try using different shades for the header, the buttons, etc.?

I respectfully disagree with @Pyrotenics; I don’t believe this UI needs to be rounded as it looks fine already.


Yeah. Like a pile of coins, etc


The only thing I’d change is:

  • Change SHOP → Shop
  • Change the X on the close button to Ă—
  • No text stroke
  • Different images for each product

I love the colour scheme (finally, a UI that isn’t blue!) and the sharp corners make this UI edgy and modern. Good job!

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You can use a UIGridLayout to apply the changes that @kenami suggested in an easy way.

I would also recommend you add some sort of price on the UI.
I certainly wouldn’t want to have to click each one and do some math if I want to get the most for my money (most children wouldn’t be able to or work out which they would want to buy - includes me because i absolutely suck at math)

How could I use the UIGridLayout? I’m sorry i’m still getting use to all of the options.

Thank you everyone for the feedback!

I think you should be able to get the hang of it just playing around with it, maybe look up some tutorials. Also try the other layouts and tools.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Know the difference between Scale / Offset, and what they are
  • Know what the UI layouts and Aspect Ratios are (both very useful)
    -Check out this tutorial: UI Design Starter Guide

Looks really nice!

If this is for buying in-game currency with Robux, I would suggest adding price tags for each, and maybe some fancy “Best Deal” stickers on the last two.

Also, as your game takes shape, you’ll better figure out in-game distribution of currency to then format the prices accordingly. Good luck!

Looking good, I would recommend doing the mentioned suggestions and I would also suggest making a clear difference been a title and a button. Unless both the amount and the buy can be clicked to buy the same thing.

Needs way more contrast. When everything stands out, nothing stands out. Only the buttons should be that bright and saturated. The Close button should not be as the Buy buttons.
That and proximity (keep the spacing between the frames consistent), but it seems plenty of people have already mentioned this.
Alignment could be better. Try drawing a line from every starting point. Optimally there should be as few of these lines as possible.

Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity. All helps usability, and since you have something to sell, you need as much of the user’s attention as you can get.

This UI is really clean, and a really good start. The only part that I can see should change would be to make the money bags smaller and more symmetrical, so they are in the middle of the side and the button. You should also try and align the money bag symbols with the button, as it will give a much cleaner look to it.

I think the UI looks fine at the moment, try having a different icon for each image. You could use this plugin to make your UI’s more cartoony or round.