Please open source or provide an interface to the DraggerFramework

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to create dragging gizmos.

The current two classes that do this, ArcHandles and Handles are very outdated and cant be styled to the degree that DraggerFramework allows, as well as this, they do not implement any of the snapping and align logic that DraggerFramework provides.

The only public copy of this is a module from Stravant that hasn’t been updated since 2023, and doesn’t support the tooltips that popup when dragging. Another issue is that the only copies of the DraggerFramework that are up to date are in precompiled plugins, which, while the tools exist to decompile these plugins, its a load of extra hassle for something that should just be available to plugin developers.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because it would be easier to add dragging gizmos to my plugins.


Any plugins that you use are saved in your local machine as rbxm files.

See if you can crack that old plugin open and build atop that.

If you’re looking for already-decompiled modules, see if you can find them here:

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As mentioned in the post, built-in plugins are unfortunately already pre-complied and hence can not be opened in Studio, at least normally. Unfortunately, the GitHub repo you linked also doesn’t appear to include built-in plugins.

Decompilations are nice, but they aren’t a perfect solution either since variable names and afaik comments are lost in the compilation process, making the code more difficult to read. They also don’t come from an official source, so updates may be delayed or not generated for all plugins, depending on how the maintainer is handling the process.

Its not like I wrote a plugin that can get Roblox’s goofy ZSTD compressed RBXMs open and dump the bytecode.