Please rate my first attempt in years to make a GFX

What do you guys think of the first GFX i have done in 2 years using blender 3.0.
It was definetly so confusing but either way i focused on lighting, besides the actual roblox GFX, the background quality is bad, but I just quickly made it to have something. Either way what would you improve :wink: (including the things i called out alr). + also added gfx alone


This is phenomonal! I know you said you didnt like the lighting but I dont think it is bad at all. If you incorporated the orange/red color a little bit more behind the character it may help the picture look more clean? very good work though!! - peanut

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It looks like you overlaid the Roblox character over another image. There’s nothing wrong with doing that but you have to make sure the image looks grounded in the image. The highlight on the character is too bright, brighter than the moon oddly enough. Also the character looks too bright in general.

Overall good job, it’s composed pretty well though it could use a wider aspect ratio.

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first of all, reword the title. your topic might get flagged as spam if you say “rate”.

one problem with your gfx is that the colour of the background does not match or blend in properly with the colour of the foreground in your render!! i suggest putting a reddish-orange overlay/clipping mask over the trees to make it look more like they’re meant to be there.

id like to point out that you should also know what background image you will be using before you start rendering!! trust me it will make the editing process so much easier. it will also make choosing lighting less painful as you’ll know exactly what the render needs to fit into.

also, it looks like you’ve added extra smoke to your gfx’s foreground, but not to the distant background. you should apply whatever you did on the foreground to the background too to make sure it blends in well. don’t neglect the bg bro…

for the actual render, i think you should be more fluid in your poses. try to move every limb including shoulder joints and exaggerate the character’s actions. play around with camera angles and move the camera to a more flattering perspective.

again, make sure your lights match that of the background!! dont let it slip just because you think it looks cool. if you want to keep your orange lights, choose a different background.

tell a story with your gfx!! dont just render for the sake of it, create a little bit of lore for your image. this will give you a guide to work off of and you’ll understand the mood your gfx is meant to have.

overall, i think you have lots of areas to improve!! it is clear that you are quite rusty so i suggest looking at your previous work and noting what you did good/bad before starting on your next piece.

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tyy very mcuh ;D the red light was coming from the actual like camera hence why there was no color behind him, maybe i couldve added a black/dark color to blend in more to the dark woods. tnx :slight_smile:


tysm i also noticed the bright moon color on the avatar which i fixed except i didnt want to render it for another 2 hrs xd anyways i also noticed the overall character being bright, since i forgot to add black shadows on its left arm etc so thanks. I personely never have done a wider ratio for a picture since it would make the character appear smaller, but I definetly can try to make it wider next time. tnx for feedback

Yeah I made the GFX before the background, but looking at it, even if the background itself is bad quality, i think personaly it looks like i chose it before the gfx since i positioned the character behind the moon added lights, even the little leg pose on the rocks but totaly agree next time ill check backgrounds before, or just make my own on roblox studio.

well since it was my 1st i just curved the limbs just so they can be curved since i didnt wanna flop too hard but after this time i will defo put some feelings into the poses.

well i made the red lights as like a campfire or something making that light right behind the camera, making the front of the character light up in a redish tone. and the trees kinda made sense to stay grey/white since the moon was overshining that place. i guess the red light couldve reached the nearby trees but idk. (originally i was gona do a picture with a black room and a white light behind the character with the front being lit up red but didnt find a pic for that).

Ye i totaly made my GFX just for the sake since i was only trying to understand posing/lighting/backgrounds, nothing that would neccassarily POP out. In future times ill definetly give them meanings and more correct moods/lighting.

Thanks overall for all of ur feedback ;D

7/10. I suggest to change the lightning of the character so it looks more realistic. Overall, it’s pretty good.

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