Please Revert the "Friend Activity" Update

Honestly, I don’t know why Roblox even thought to add this as a update anyway. There was already a Friend Activity tab, why take that away? They don’t need to merge it into other categories. This update is pretty much useless and adds nothing than adding a annoying grey tab under a game with text nobody is probably gonna read anyways.

imo Roblox should ask for developer/community feedback before removing and adding a feature for the Roblox website


Roblox claims this is related to the “efficiency” of game discovery. It seems a lot to me like the purpose of this change is to give the user less direct control over what they see in favor of having to use Roblox’s discovery algorithm which selectively promotes content


Thankfully, it was updated to be less eye catching, but I’d still like the statistics back.



I think the best solution for roblox is for them to do it like this:
anyone else agree? (this is an edited image btw)


Looks like it’s glitched the whole layout of some of my games in the process.

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Hi, @xoroshoh.
Could you look into this feature request?

There is another feature request related to this one, I highly recommend checking it out:

Additionally, there are various developer discussions related to this if you wish to seek more developer input.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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In my opinion we should have both this and a dedicated friend activity category. Or just give the user the option to toggle the friend activity category if they really think users dislike it that much

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They updated it to “Amount of friends that played it recently”

I really hope they just remove this completely or replace it with an icon, I just want the player count back. I usually use my continue tab to track how people are playing my games and the rating. I don’t care how many friends played it.


ikr i do the same, to easily see if anyone’s playing my games or if the like ratio has changed, or if anyone’s playing certain low-playercount games so i can hop on and say hi

roblox could also use a quick overview panel just for this, displaying all your games and current player count, and may some other stuff, all together at the click of a button

my niece played adopt me on my account and now its stuck in my Continue 'cause i have friends who play it ;-;

Dear lord, this is just straight up incompetent. WHO in upper management approved this?

Can we get someone who works in roblox commenting on this?

The fact someone saw the “Friend Activity” thing was a problem and just opted to change it to a plain-text count of how many friends have recently played the game is astonishing. It literally is worse than it was before, in terms of how it looks, getting rid of the at least “stylized” bar, as well as extremely confusing, because while “Friend Activity” implied what it said, “# Friends” makes players think that they have friends currently in the game, when they aren’t.

This is quite frankly very embarrassing from Roblox.



Hey, bumping this because the “Friend Activity” thing seems to still be here. Can we get any kind of input on this?


It’s baffling that you have to install an extension just to revert this. This is especially annoying for games you work on:
Okay, great, my friends played it. So what? I also played the games, I don’t care. I want to be able to view player count and rating at a glance.

Of course, this goes for games I don’t develop on as well. My friends playing a game usually means I might like it too, but how am I supposed to know if it’s popular or not & if it’s rated well when this little banner is in the way? The old Friend Activity sort handled this perfectly. The fact that Roblox is hiding these two vital stats makes no sense.


Bump, it’s worst than just useles, it’s a worse experience


Let me bump again, less go a lot of text! Hurray!


Please revert this rubbish!


Bumping because this issue still has not been addressed


This is crap UX and misleading. Can’t believe this is still running. Anti-user design made to artificially inflate click through numbers.


Why is this still here?‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌


I don’t know, but as a developer, I am still furious I need to click onto the game page to do check the playercount now no matter where I’m seeing the game listed.