Please try out my game (definitely not finished)

Hey. I’m Soakedblame. I’ve created a obby )definitely not finished) with somewhat realistic parkour moves. Of course when I get more robux, ill definitely hire people to make animations but here’s the game.Parkour Obby (Dynamic) - Roblox

And I’m not finished yet. I have way more to edit and add in. I haven’t made a post in a LONG while so I forget how to write posts in a professional way :confused: And yes, I’ve used my own animations and animations from toolbox which noted it was okay to use it.

Don’t know what to say and pls tell me if I’m starting off good or not. Thx
Edit: the computer that runs Roblox studio completely broke so this game is discontinued >:(


Really good game, it has future, just add more features and better animations along with some interesting gamepasses, totally worth it!

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thanks for the feedabck and i totally forgot to add chat :frowning:

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never its in it was jsut loading

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wait sorry for replying so much but do you think I should add checkpoints?

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The movement is a kinda fun, i spent like 4 minutes just completing the obby again and again.


good movement but other than that low in everything else. 7.4/10 :slight_smile:

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Should I add checkpoints? Cuz im raging in my own game D: