Please unlock SaveSelectedToRoblox

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to upload anything to Roblox through plugins except animations. This is because the SaveSelectedToRoblox method is arbitraily locked to as such.

This is a problem because developers may want to make tooling that can upload models or plugins (the only two reasonable ones I can think of right now), but cant because the API to do so is locked to animations

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to develop plugins that can save models to Roblox.

(Request is to allow SaveSelectedToRoblox to upload Plugins and Models)


I really like this idea but it should ask for permission (like the insert permission) first because a asset can get someone get banned easily.

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It prompts already. So this shouldn’t be a problem.


It isn’t

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Yeah it isn’t but I still cant upload plugins because it doesn’t let me tell the tool what I want to upload, right now it thinks I mean models, and models only

Doesn’t it just use whatever is in the selection?

So if you add a model / animation to the selection, it should know what to prompt.


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