Pls fix your avatars

A lot of people have been getting this avatar recently:

It makes it very hard to distinguish who’s who at glance, and I assume its victims are growing over time because nobody knows how to fix it. You can fix the avatar by changing your character, logging out and logging back in (to the devforums), changing the character back to what you want it to appear as, and then logging out and back in again. Please fix your avatars guys!

Edit: If this doesn’t work, repeat but wait up to a minute or two before logging back into the devforums


Log out, log back in.

You said that… Keep in mind this is not a ROBLOX bug, rather a Discourse issue. It fetches the avatar by URL, and only updates when you refresh your login cookie. If you update your avatar a lot, it will happen more since the URL does that before loading a final image.


Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

Omg it worked. I’ve been trying to fix my avatar for ages now.

My N/A Avatar is precious.

Precious? It’s been called that before, but not by you.

Trust me as you once did. Let it go.

1 Like

But I’m not Elsa to let funny things go.

Noooo it wasn’t a Frozen reference, qq (guess it’s too obscure)

But we likes your reference, don’t we precious?


Please sign everyone out of the devforums D:


@Lilly_S You should pin this thread.

Eh, I don’t think it needs to be pinned. If the administration wants to do something about the avatar issue, they’ll do that - I thought I read somewhere that Becky had made a bug report on the general Discourse forums, so maybe that’ll yield a more permanent solution.

In the meantime, I guess we just have to hover :stuck_out_tongue:

Ban everyone without an avatar, that’ll teach 'm quick


Yep, two weeks ago. I’m not sure how long between new Discourse versions nor how long between ROBLOX devforum updates, but at least the Discourse devs know of the problem and have some ideas on how to fix it.

It looks to me that they gave a potential fix. I wonder if they tried that. @ReeseMcBlox?