Basically if you search for a string with “loadstring” or anything related to printed stuff such as “backdoor” then the auto moderation will false positive and cause your plugin to be taken off publish.
Expected behavior
The plugin is only searching if a string in a script contain those characters and take action against those. The plugin doesn’t deserve a false positive.
Where the issue?
When you remove the strings that could have been the issue the automoderation still thinks they are included in the plugin and doesn’t bring the plugin back to creator store for everyone.
Also assistant consider the plugin script as same as i do:
You should also link your moderation ID so that a staff member can review the actual case. Though I suppose they could possibly get it from the asset ID.
Have you tried appealing as well? If so, what was said if denied?
Supposedly a human takes over, but it’s hard to tell sometimes. My second example only had my asset restored on the second appeal attempt, when it should’ve been appealed in the first. But I was fully expecting neither to approve.
I feel like what’s likely happening is that the moderation team is required to hit certain moderation review goals, and so they’ll blindly follow whatever the AI moderation has already decided, rather than actually seeing if it was valid or not. But that’s just my own personal theory.
@MagicLuau Sorry about that! Your plugin should be available now.
(Also, appeals are reviewed by humans not AI. If your appeal was approved quickly, it’s because a human moderator got to it quickly, not because of some AI auto-reject)