Plugin debugging edits are lost

I’m attempting to use the new beta Plugin Debugging tool. Changes made to the files under PluginDebugService don’t appear to save. If the editor tab is closed, or if I “Save and Reload Plugin”, all changes are lost.

Maybe I’m missing something?

See attached video.

In this video, I change the text “Hello World” to “Hello Universe”, then close the script tab. I would expect the text “Hello Universe” to persist, but when the same script is opened, the original text “Hello World” appear.

This behavior also occurs when applying the “Save and Reload Plugin” option (also shown in the video)

This shouldn’t behave like this - changes should persist. I’m not able to reproduce this - two questions:

  • Are you seeing this behavior consistently?
  • Any other setup steps you’ve gone through in Studio? Any other Beta features active?