Plugin doesn't function and/or appear in Toolbar [POSSIBLE MAJOR BUG]

Hey! I am encountering a problem where my local plugin doesn’t seem to work and appear in the toolbar.

I am saving it as a .rbxmx file like this which people usually do:
Here’s proof of me saving it as a .rbxmx file also.
Screenshot 2023-01-05 163744

I’ve actually encountered this issue over 2 months ago but has seemingly forgot about it till now.

I tried following the advice @Focia19 said:

I tried method #1 since it seemed the best and I don’t work with regedit on Windows however when I cleared the HTTP Cache nothing happened at all.

You could say I could’ve tried the second method try to reproduce this on a different account however it would be a pain since my brother manages my Two Step Authentication and he really doesn’t like it… :happy3:

I even tried clearing the Plugins Folder in AppData but it didn’t work either.

Here’s the toolbar when I saved the plugin:

There’s supposed to be a button at the far right, but it doesn’t appear even the plugin code itself doesn’t work.

The reason why I posted here is because I wanted to bring more attention to this problem because it is a major problem for me since it limits my Plugin Making extremely let’s say I am making a plugin that opens up a GUI when you click it, but I can’t anymore because of this issue.

Any help is appreciated! :happy1:

Any help is appreciated. This affects my plugin experience by a lot. So, if anyone has solutions, PLEASE message them to me.

I had the same bug today, and I fixed it by re-enabling the plugin.
Go to the plugins tab, find the plugin, and click the enable button.

There isn’t a plugin like what I wrote in the title.

Apparently, it was just a glitch.
I logged in to a different account and it worked fine.
The reason why it’s probably happening is because a certain plugin/script was broken and thus made the whole plugin/script system broken on my account.