[Plugin] Edge Bevel - Easily bevel the edges & corners of parts!

:link: Check out the Edge Bevel Plugin!

:video_game: View it on Itch!

:hammer_and_wrench: More Plugins made by me!

Latest Update

About the Plugin:

The Edge Bevel Plugin allows you to quickly bevel the edges of parts using pure CFrame math—no unions needed!

Example of an Edge Bevel in Action:

Different Bevel Styles Applied to All Part Sides:

How Do You Use It?

Click to View Detailed Instructions
  1. Select an Edge & Corner Shape

  2. Hover & Highlight
    Move your mouse over a part (ensure the shape is set to “Block”) and highlight any edge.

  3. Click to Confirm
    Confirm the bevel with a click. Continue beveling additional edges or create connecting corner bevels!

Available Edge & Corner Shapes

Video Showcase:

Watch how the plugin works in action:


Please note that the price may change over time. This plugin was a result of countless hours of scripting (math can be tough!), so I aim for fair compensation for my work.

If you have any suggestions, let me know!


Plugin is good, but assuming how roblox changed their pricing - this is not what cost it’s money. Easier to use 2-3 pre-made meshes tbh.
+ small question - do you use PluginWidgets or menu consumes viewport space?


Thanks for your comment. $4.99 is the minimum option I can set it to (without making it free, sadly can’t make it any cheaper)

I also think the point is that it saves you tons of time, simply clicking any edge without having to get a mesh, duplicate the part two times, rescale the part, move the mesh, match all the properties manually (the plugin does that automatically!) etc…

I really do think that my plugin is worth it for that reason, because the time saved has been pretty massive while I was working on a build and needed this feature. And yes, it uses PluginWIdgets, I just popped it out in the screenshots to show the UI inside the game viewport as well.


aw… i hate roblox


Maybe it is easier to do so on a few part manually, but with this cutting-edge technology (please laugh), you can do this to multiple parts in less time.


I’ve uploaded a video showcasing how the plugin works, and updated the post with the link as well.


looks great, I think it’d be useful if the bevel parts were grouped or parented to the part


They get parented to the same parent as the original part (e.g. if it was inside a model), but I could perhaps add a setting to make it automatically create a model?


yeah I think that would be a good addition, I’d imagine things quickly become clunky in your explorer if you have a lot of beveled parts


Got it! Sounds like a nice feature, I will add that in


V1.2.2 is out now!

Added a setting called “Create Model”

  • When turned on, if the target part is not part of a model, the plugin will automatically create a new one & parent all of the bevel parts to it.
  • This setting will be on by default!


I really wish Roblox gave plugin devs an option to buy their plugin with Robux AND currency.

This is negatively affecting developers and the devs who make the plugins themselves.


Plugin seems useful, however for free i can just download blender 3d and do it myself.

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This is a great plugin, thanks for making it. I’ve fixed a few things in it - there’s some cases where the original version fails to detect corners due to how the raycasting is done. I’m happy to contribute those back if you let me know how.


Hi, sorry for the really late reply as I’ve been busy. If you want to share the changes you made and contribute to the code feel free to contact me on Discord @max.1810

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:star: Update v1.4.0! :star:

I have added a new corner shape to the inverted cylinder edge type. This one doesn’t have that many use cases but I think it looks pretty cool.

This post has also been updated with better images and a cleaner look.


The plugin is now available as a .rbxmx file on itch, for those who cannot pay via the Creator Store: Edge Bevel by Max


Useful for those not experienced with Blender.
but why not use CSG instead of creating so many different instances? more efficient, simple, and would reduce instance count therefore reducing potential lag.

turning 1 part into separate parts overcomplicates so many different scenarios.

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Hi, it can be exported as a mesh once you’re done. Making unions by default means you cannot edit the bevel parts themselves during the process (my use case was: I was working on an obby game and wanted each edge to be a different color compared to the middle part). Also, some corner and edge shapes and MeshParts and those aren’t supported for unions. Thanks for your feedback!

what do you mean? we already have real-time csg operations

true, but it was announced that csg for meshes would be supported soon as well. maybe then you could consider it?