Plugin For Beginners Who Need Rig Inserting Plugin

Because it has no purpose, if you want to mess around sure but like its kind of pointless marketing it as a community resource as no one needs it

Just leave this at this point. The OP clearly doesn’t know what maturity is and is probably just a newbie developer, assuming this by their previous posts where the title is just “Me script no work (sad face)” which does indicate their maturity which is almost to nothing.

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Rightfully so, if you make something that isn’t even remotely useful to anybody, why would people appreciate it?

Maybe try to listen to community feedback and think what Plugins you might want to have that isn’t on the Marketplace. :slightly_smiling_face: It’s always good to take ideas based on issues you experience in Studio when developing.

Rightfully so, but perhaps if you spent more time creating and less time critiquing, you’d see the value in others’ efforts.

bro all i get is disrespect bro i dont have anything to do man they cant just appreciate something basic i made broo

It is suggested that you should stop showing your ego and rather, work on fixing your plugin so you don’t get some critques critisizing your plugin.

finally something to respect and to actually do

We aren’t disrespecting you at all here? As compared to you, you are literally insulting @CE0_OfTrolling here. Not really a good thing you know.

Good, now can we just finish this up? Really not worth the time to argue about something.

oh alr mb im sorry @CE0_OfTrolling


you’re right bro im sorry for y’all if i was rude apoligies lets be friendly no insults no nothing

You can always look at criticism in another way. Perhaps take it as feedback so you can always take note on what added functionalities developers might want, and those that devs may not be as keen on.

It all just boils down with experience and trial-and error. Making plugins may take some time to brainstorm a feasible idea that would be useful to use for devs. :happy1:

ur right i respect y’all’s opinions but i will just delete this plugin

but i am working on a part couter plugin

That’s still useful. It can be hard sometimes knowing the amount of parts in your game, I would suggest seperating the instance, yes instance, rather than just counting parts, make it count instances something like how I did in my part counter plugin which is just obsolete now.

This is how mine looks:

Kind of small I know, it was just an abandoned mini project.

(No, I am not self advertising, just referencing.)

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nice work on it btw :slight_smile: im trying to make something like it

how much time did it take you to make it btw?

An hour or just 30 minutes or something lol.

what?! i personally think it’ll take me a day