- Plugin Help -

So I was messing around with plugins, and I ran into an error:

local Toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Scripts")
local button = Toolbar:CreateButton("Add Script", "Add Script", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=145111737")

local function buttonClick()
	local Script = Instance.new("Script", game.ServerScriptService)
	Script.Source = "\
	print('Hello, World!')\

This is my code, and the error is “Attempt to index nil with ‘CreateToolbar’”
Thanks in Advance :happy2:

Add this as the first line

local plugin = PluginManager():CreatePlugin()
local plugin = PluginManager():CreatePlugin()
local Toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Scripts")
local button = Toolbar:CreateButton("Add Script", "Add Script", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=145111737")

local function buttonClick()
	local Script = Instance.new("Script", game.ServerScriptService)
	Script.Source = "\
	print('Hello, World!')\

It throws this error:

Okay wait yours should work actually, are you remembering to save it as a local plugin?


Yes, I saved it as a local plugin.

Okay I tried it out myself and it was working for me, did you put it somewhere else besides ServerStorage?

Yes, it’s in ServerScriptService
Am I supposed to put it in ServerStorage?

I placed it in ServerStorage and it was working fine for me, maybe try that?

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Alright, it’s working, thanks!

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