Plugin isn't showing/visible in the search

Hello! This is my first DevForum post, if I have forgotten or done something wrong it would be great to tell me, I will improve it as soon as possible. I am very thankful for any help.

I’ve been making plugins on Roblox for about 4.5 months now, and I’ve already had one published for a while which you could find recently, but you can’t find it in the search anymore unless you filter by my name. You could still find it normally in the search if you searched for the name of the plugin, but after I changed a number in the description from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 you can no longer find the plugin in the search as explained above, the plugin is called ‘Particle Library’. I have also created two other plugins (Free & Paid Version) (‘FasterUI Creator Lite’ & ’ FasterUI Creator Pro’) but you can’t find them at all no matter if you filter by name or use the search you can’t find them, unless you have a link to the plugin. Now I wanted to ask what the problem could be?

Solutions that I have already tried are:

  • Description changed
  • Plugin name changed
  • Plugin re-uploaded
    & waited, because I thought the problem might solve itself, but maybe I’m doing something wrong.

The Plugins:
Particle Library
FasterUI Creator Lite
FasterUI Creator Pro