[Plugin] Material Icons (+1400)

Alright thank you for telling me

This looks great, especially for UI designers like me. So we can easily access known-good icons, instead of searching icons made my randos in the tool box.

1 suggestion tho, I would turn it into a website, with a “recolorer”, where you can change the color of it and export your customly colored icon(s) as a .png .

Hey great plugin! I have a little suggestion. Can you add these options on the plugin to give more variety? Thanks!


Extremely useful plugin, its better than @ZacBytes’s plugin.

My plugin was made before this and was made before studio added mass asset creation functionality soI had to upload every icon manually. Anyways, I didn’t update it because of lackluster sales.


bulk upload system is only works on game asset, and that can not use on other game
i uploaded images with some few codes (it allows upload 50 images once. like be bot?)

does this mean that we have to make ingame client scripts public and give attribution? that is my current knowledge of the apache license version 2.0 according to some quick searches