Plugin Max Length String Problem

I have a problem with my plugin.
It generates code to generate the selected object.
But i don`t know how to display the generated code, Ive tried Scripts and textbox but they have a max length (200000) limit.
And my plugin generates code 10 times over that limit so I don´t know how to display the generated code.

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Oh and i forgot i also tried printing the code but printing gets trimmed.

You won’t be able to get past the 200000 limit without breaking it into smaller chunks. The 200k limit is the datatype limit, so no matter what you will encounter it.

(Scripts don’t really have a limit, at least not a low enough limit to worry about)

I would recommend that when generating the string, split it into several pieces and then store them into a number of scripts, all contained in a folder. Then, just tell the user to copy and paste the sections together

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Yeah i think that will work, thank you.

Erm nevermind it dosent work its saying this error :

That seems unrelated to output the script. Why are you making a ton of welds and stuff?

I tried my plugin on a model with a bunch of welds.

Hmmm i think i mind just make a 200k limit generation beacause it wouldent work anyways if i split it into more scripts because the other objects that it created woulden’t exist then.

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