wait thats insane. does it have to be in a folder? could you have a setting that replaces models that are currently selected? could you have a setting that replaces models with identical children?
this is just personally for me, but i prefer my plugins have ui integration instead of having tabs since it takes up a lot of the screen space as a tab, but i would definitely check it out!
I’m so sorry, I tried to replace models with identical children but I think it might have too much performance problem (If instance in workspace are too much.)
Doesn’t it just loop through the selected models, finds matching instance similar to the one changed, updates the similar instance cframe into the changed one?
If you click “Replace target children” it’ll loop through all children in target if it’s model It will replace by reference model by clone and set model position to old position and change the name of model to old name.
This plugin is just amazing, I’m really mad at myself that I didn’t go and look for a plugin like this earlier! Till now, I would always have to replace the models with the new model one by one. Now, with the help of this plugin, all it takes is one click!
Honestly, thank you so much for making this plugin! It will save me plenty of time!
Thanks, that’s also a great feature, but as I’m redistributing the assets for others to customise as they go, I don’t want anyone to inadvertently get impacted by my changes. This tool is a fool proof way for me to build and update within one uncopylocked, redistributed experience.