Hi! I’m pretty sure that many developers know what a ModuleScript does, and I know that if you wanna save the Lighting Service and its properties (children, its properties) 1/1, it’s extremely long. Saving propreties of a part is long too.
To save minutes(up to 10 mins) I created the HalaCo ModuleCloud Plugin.
Um not to be a dismissive person since it’s always good to fuel the community with free resources, but…
Please, and I mean PLEASE, fix your color palette. I like that you can change themes, but that info page is an amazing example of why it’s important to have a contrastive color palette.
This is a serializer.
Good release though, it’s still got plenty of work put into it, so don’t let my criticism shoot you down.
You are clearly mistaken. ‘Cloud’ means it’s stored ‘on the cloud’ (aka ONLINE).
Yes, every datastore is a cloud. In fact, any database is stored on a cloud.