Plugin Pros: A Creator Spotlight Roundtable With Elttob, prepsure, and jotslo

I want to make a paid plugin but have no idea what to make. Will people even buy it? What are people even willing to pay for?

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I like the ergonomics of the plugin API mapping very closely to other roblox’s API, however, they’re not the best documented.

DockWidgetPluginGui.BindToClose doesn’t do what it used to do (which I believe was intentional). A lot of other documentaion surrounding plugins haven’t been updated for years.

The docs for PluginActions and PluginMenus still use PluginManager to showcase them working, you know, the obsolete method for creating plugins. PluginDebugService doesn’t even get brought up that much. There’s still a reference to a GitHub repo that was archived 4+ years ago.

On regards of implementation, PluginActions need to be changed so they can have default inputs, @Elttob made a great blog post on how that can be approached.

(oh and can you pls make it so we can save plugin instances to roblox, having to drag out the source code model into the workspace just to publish is so messy)


This is a great post, though as someone else said, it’s very funny to see a post like this after a change that puts out many people from the business and leaves a ton of developers in the dark. Though not gonna ignite that conversation here as I’ve made my statements in the previous post.

I love Team Create with Hats, it’s pretty cool to see its story, and I never knew they also open-sourced it. That’s pretty great.


Documentation really needs to be updated, I literally had to spend a good hour or two trying to go through different pages of documentation, developer forum posts, and more to find what I needed. And can we get save per experience? I would love to be able to save a specific data to a specific experience.


Honestly I shouldn’t be giving advice here but your best method is probably putting a few StringValues or something in a folder in ServerStorage for that :joy:

Regarding the documentation talk, I haven’t found it too annoying but there needs to be a page available on Plugin specific commands for sure because not everything that’s exclusive to plugins is under plugin. ChangeHistoryService and Selection are two services that I can think of that are plugin exclusive.


I’ll link the blog post for reference:


Why am I surprised that everyone isn’t complaining about plugin prices? :skull:


Because they’re doing cleanup. I’ve refreshed here and seen many deleted posts.


Who would’ve thought a company like Roblox would ship out an update that bars multiple developers (incl. me) from easy access to plugins that can make development of various experiences easier while also culling and ignoring the backlash, especially after the CEO claimed the company is committed to listening to the community.
Even funnier when you consider how the moderation team is so messed up that they’ll even dictate the prices of your plugin and will have no hesitation to ban you for it. Once you call them out on it and other mistakes they make when trying to double down, suddenly that backlash is also removed.

Just another day in the life of an american company.

Oh, quick edit to also mention how hilarious it is to not only ignore a wide range of community response to a change as severe as this, but then to essentially spit at their faces with forum posts like this one says a lot about how tone-deaf this company is. Not saying they need to listen to every single suggestion and critique, but when


Amazing response, still doesn’t address how they didn’t take any criticism into account and decided to ship this out and act as if it’s a pioneering age for the company and website as a whole.

On top of that, they failed to understand that a younger audience is still on their website and instead of realizing that robux can be used as that bridge to support them in purchasing plugins, they give us a generic “we’re working on it” response that I bet will be forgotten in a months time.


The update just came out. Give them some time.


With major changes like this, you don’t ship it out and realize soon after that there’s issues with said change and claim “We’ll work on it”.

Congrats, now we’ll have to wait “some time” before a major percentage of developers can purchase plugins. Do we give this company a gold sticker for trying?


Please give this multi-billion dollar company time…


Roblox knew of the age and geographical limitations of the usd-paid plugin model, but still decide to go on the update. There’s was no need to publish this update this early, and absolutely no need to remove the previous model.

If roblox decided to add this upon the existing system, instead of replace the old system, it would have received a much better response.


Creator spotlights arent that great in general
but a creator spotlight for a plugin dev after barring people from creating plugins???


Also not to mention, if your updating a plugin, the only way to test and debug stuff (in my knowledge at least) is resave or publish an update. This has been painful and slow for me because i work on a plugin i own and while developing updates, i save to a file as i dont want users being able to use a plugin thats ‘in the middle of being updated’. I will also get duplicate buttons too, which can be confusing at times unless i disable the published plugin.

It’s just a tedious experience at the moment


when were people being barred from creating plugins dawg
most pessimistic person of the 21st century :no_mouth:

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*paid plugins

people who want a payment for something they sunk a lot of time into got screwed over

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