RbxTerminal is the new and improved version of CMD!
But not like CMD this is really like Commandprompt
+It has a TestEZ Command!
How does it look like??
You may see that the output will also be displayed on the Terminal.
To disable this run: settings set logMessagesEnabled false
You can download it on Roblox for 100
or for free on Github!
Guide for Github
If your on the Github page go to release and find the most resent.
Click on it and download the RbxTerminal.rbxm
Drag and drop it into Roblox Studio. Right Click on it and Click save as local plugin and your done!
I will not explain what every command does exactly.
version packageName: string
this will say what version a package is on
install dir: Directory
this will install a ModuleScript (dir) as package
uninstall packageName: string
this will uninstall a package
show --version | -v
this will show every package installed. The --version
flag will also show the version
test dir: Directory
this will test a ModuleScript.spec (dir) with TestEZ
set setting: string, bool: boolean
this will set a setting to true or false
get setting: string
this will show the value of a setting
run dir: Directory
this will run a ModuleScript.bat (dir).
cd dir: Directory, .., _
this will set the current dir.
echo text: string --r, --b, --o, --y, --p, --g
prints something in the terminal.
So here’s how a package is build:
return {
Name = "PackageName", -- Name for the package
Version = "0.1.0", -- Version for the package
["command1"] = function(args, flags, terminal) -- Command without subcommands | Args and Flags are an Array. Terminal is the Terminal
terminal:CreateMessage("Some Text", "Blue") -- Blue, Purple, Red, Yellow, Green
["command2"] = { -- Command with subcommands :flushed:
["sub"] = function(args, flags, terminal)
terminal:CreateMessage("Sup bro", "Purple")
["sub2"] = function(args, flags, terminal)
terminal:CreateMessage("Sup bro v2", "Green")
A .bat Module
A bat Module is a ModuleScript that returns a function and ends with .bat
It’s build like this:
return function(terminal) -- the Terminal
Create Message
Creates a message in the terminal.
Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Green, Orange
any other Color will be Default
terminal:CreateMessage(Text: string, Color: string?)
GetSetting and SetSetting
Allows you to save bools or change settings in the plugin.
terminal:SetSetting(setting: string, value: boolean)
local v = terminal:GetSetting(setting: string)
Dir functions
SetDirWithString will set the dir with a string (game/Workspace/Baseplate
terminal:SetDirWithString(dir: string) -- Example: game/Workspace/Baseplate
GetDirInDirWithString will return an Instance in the current dir with a string
terminal:GetDirInDirWithString(dir: string) -- Example: Workspace/Baseplate (The current dir is game)
DirToString will return a string(game/Workspace
) from the current dir
local Dir = terminal:DirToString()
terminal.Dir is the Instance of the current dir
local dir = terminal.Dir
You can get the plugin with terminal.plugin
Promise by eveara
Roact Hooks by kampfkarren
Studio Plugin by csqrl
Studio Theme by csqrl
Roact by roblox
Rodux by roblox
Rodux Hooks by SolarHorizon
Stift by csqrl
TestEZ by roblox
And you!