Plugin to output the triangle count of any MeshPart(Mesh Version 3 supported!)

Hey guys, I made a pretty basic plugin that allows you to click a button while selecting a MeshPart to output it’s triangle count.

I believe some others may have done this, but the one I found can no longer be installed and I don’t believe any support Version 3.0 of meshes(introduced when Mesh Level of Detail was released)

How it works

Using a roblox proxy and HttpService(which you need to enable), the plugin fetches mesh data for a MeshPart you have selected. It then parses that data to get its triangle count.

Mesh Version 3(LOD) will only output the triangle count for the default level of detail.


UnionOperation.TriangleCount exists, but MeshPart.TriangleCount still does not. Hopefully roblox will add this soon.

Feel free to use the source

I had much larger plans for this plugin initially. I originally wanted a sort of analyzer that could create a heatmap of objects based on its polycount or , potentially using an octree, the polycount of all objects around it. Certain tools that could be used for developers to analyze how poly heavy their scenes are.

Unfortunately, I do not have the time to do such a thing right now and I also dislike plugin/UI development. But feel free to use this source and do it yourself if you’d like! I know some others had the same idea(@Zomebody :eyes:)

Also Roblox please give us MeshPart.TriangleCount so we don’t need to do this


Why will I use it? (I am not saying it’s useless, I am just asking what can be easier with this plug-in, that without it)

There isn’t any particular use in gameplay, but developers can use this for debugging to find what can cause frame drops in certain areas.


Tried to fetch the triangle count for one of the default meshes

and received the error: Failed to retrieve mesh data: Plugin_4501096516.Folder.CountTris:73: attempt to concatenate string with nil.

Seems like this plugin is broken. Every time I select a mesh and then the plugin, it outputs the error:

Failed to retrieve mesh data: HTTP 410 (rprxy is no longer available)

After researching the error, seems like the owner may have shut it down. Shame, since I thought this’d be exactly what I needed.

This seems to be incorrect use of HTTP 410 since the correct http error here should be 503.

Anyway, back to on-topic, fronting the server costs for a proxy probably isn’t that cheap if you have lots of people rely on it. Its a bit sad to see such a useful service go down, but it hadn’t been maintained for ages and didn’t support most of Roblox’s API.

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