PluginManager's Export methods allow saving .obj files anywhere on the system without confirmation

PluginManager has two methods that allow exporting Roblox Instances as .obj files. These methods allow you to optionally specify a file name for the exported files that it will save as. This saves it without confirmation (!) to whatever the default folder for saving assets from Roblox is.

That’s what it normally does, anyways. If a full file path is provided, it will respect that file path, allowing the .obj file to be saved anywhere on the system that Roblox has write access to. That is, something like PluginManager():ExportPlace("C:/Users/Public/foo.obj") will save the entire place as a .obj file into that directory. Without confirmation.

The silver lining is that there’s no way to save it as something that isn’t a .obj file, which prevents overriding files that already exist in most cases, but this could be a headache if misused since .obj files for bigger places can get fairly large. It can also lag out someone’s Studio if you spam it, even with a place as empty as a the one shown above, all while saving files to their system. This applies to ExportSelection too.

Ideally, we would have at the very least a confirmation for this, if not some limitations on where things can be saved.


Sorry, I forgot to post here earlier. As you may have noticed, this has been fixed. Instead of instantly saving to the provided location, these methods will open a file picker that defaults to the provided argument. Clicking cancel will cancel the export.


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