Greetings fellow developers!
Today I was messing around a bit with PluginMenus and I stumbled across this issue where it simply wouldn’t show up. PluginMenus from some of my other plugins seem to still work, so I’m assuming I’m doing something wrong. I’ve been trying to find a cause to this issue for several hours to no success.
Here’s a simplified piece of code which doesn’t work:
local plugin = plugin or getfenv().PluginManager():CreatePlugin()
local pluginMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "Test")
pluginMenu.Name = "Test"
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("TestAction", "TestAction", "rbxassetid://3805769670")
warn("[Attempting to show PluginMenu]")
local actinoSelected = pluginMenu:ShowAsync()
warn("[PluginMenu has been shown!]")
If you run the code snippet above, no PluginMenu will be shown nor will the last warning print to the output. No errors are occurring in the output. On a side note, this code snippet will work if ran from the command bar.
Here’s a file you can put inside your plugins folder to try it out: test.rbxmx (1.6 KB)