(Plugins) API that allows us to bring up and use the built in color picker UI

As a Roblox developer, it is currently tedious to create your own color picker menus for use in plugins.

Although it’s not too hard to create an rgb color window/wheel, studio’s built in color picker is already very nice, has a neat custom colors panel, and has the ability to pick a color from your screen(which is impossible to do with the api we have)

If we had the ability to return a Color3 from the color picker, I believe it’d greatly increase the speed at which we’re able to create more professional, intuitive feeling plugins that don’t stray too far from studio’s look and feel.

Now that widgets are a thing, I believe this is something that is necessary to further that push for more control in plugin design


It’s also impossible to copy out of a custom picker since we have no clipboard support.


Is there any word on this? This is an essential component to plugin development and it feels silly to spend effort making one myself that will ultimately have less features than the native Studio picker.


Another late bump on this topic but I have recently had the need for this feature, alongside the ability to open editors for more complex types such as ColorSequences and NumberSequences.

I’m working on making an extended properties plugin to suit the needs of my co-workers for a recent recreation of the project I’m working on, and this requires a mock Studio properties UI, including the ability to edit colors and gradients (n.b. current properties menu isn’t good enough because custom properties that are readonly cannot be added, and custom intrinsic properties + display data for these properties like recoloring the name are not available, this is not a large scale enough problem to address on its own in my opinion). A solution of using a slave instance for this purpose is terrible for UX, and manually remaking these editors is not particularly easy either.

Adding the ability to natively open these would be perfect for what I need, some sort of yielding method that opens the editor and returns some result based on the type (e.g. Color3, ColorSequence, NumberSequence, or nil if the editor was closed).


I’ve made a straight up copy of roblox color picker.

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