Plugins / methods for road creation?

This plugin doesn’t support inclinations, right? Is there a plugin that gives the possibility to make roads go up and down?


As far as I know it does support inclinations. It can be a bit odd to get used to, as you can’t just place points and expect the curve to go through them all, but you can usually get things to work fine.

There is something called “Beautiful Roads Plugin”. It is the best plugin out there go search it on the devforum.


Does it also support movement on two axis?


I think so… Not sure though.

Archimedes is very good for roads

Link: Archimedes (v3.1.9) - Roblox


I don’t think this is true. Really old games might have been programmed in Hexa-decimal. But games now are usually programmed in a game engine in a programming language instead of binary. Programming in binary would probably be very difficult and confusing as well as inefficient and time-consuming.

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I think you may want to reevaluate your definition of what a “real developer” is, game developers use other things than binary code you know, and wow, that may seem mind blowing, but it’s real! A lot of programmers/game developers use game engines too. Also developers can be more than programmers so let’s not forget about that. :grinning:

Not only are both of you replying to a 2 year old post, you’re also missing the obvious sarcasm.

Please examine contextual clues before posting.


r/woosh bro. It was obvious sarcasm.