Plugins not installing

While installing a plugin I noticed that there wasn’t a prompt showing that the plugin was successfully installed. So I was curious and checked my plugin folder, the plugin wasn’t in the folder. Even though it’s not actually installed, on the website it says “Item owned” and shows that I purchased it in the transactions feed.


item owned does not mean installed actually it just means its in your inventory try installing it from studio. this bug happened to me before too when my plugins got deleted after my log out it says item owned on the plugin but its not installed


there is a video showing that he clicked the install button (unless the video isnt showing for you)


wait i mistook it then i was thinking of a different problem

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i thought so too but i forgot to check the video





Same thing happened to me today I dont’t know whats going on

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Can confirm this is happening. I’ve tried installing 2 different plugins and nothing happens. It just opens ROBLOX Studio, no “was successfully installed” notification, nothing.


Same thing happening for me. I can install stuff over the toolbox but not over the catalog.

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That seems to work for me (toolbox in Studio → inventory → click install for the plugin).


Thank you for reporting this issue! We have filed a ticket internally and will investigate.


Thanks a lot! I’ve been looking in some plugins’ comment sections, and they’re saying “This won’t install” and I keep having to tell them “It’s on ROBLOX’s end, not yours”.


Toolbox is also broken, I can’t see my plugins!


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I am now having this issue and additionally I can’t view my owned plugins in the Toolbox. For at least the plugin I’m currently trying to install, this makes it impossible to find and install without going the manual route of downloading the model and putting it my plugins folder.

  1. Either Roblox Studio failed to load them in (Sometimes does happen, but it can be fixed by restarting Studio)

  2. It’s because this plug-in is outdated - Last time it was updated, it was 2015! There would probably be some incompatibility with the recent versions of Roblox Studio.

I bet 1. is the more common reason for plug-ins not appearing. When I installed Moon Animator, boom, already there. Same with a single modeling tool I installed but didn’t bother to use. So it was either caused by running Studio offline or simply loading failure.

Can confirm, I tried installing a welding plugin yesterday and it wasn’t installing. Best workaround is installing from the Studio Toolbox or using the download button on the catalog page if you have the BTRoblox extension for Chrome and saving into %LocalAppData%\Roblox\Plugins (you may have to open Studio > open game > Plugins > Plugin Folder first if the folder doesn’t exist).

OS: Windows 10 20H2
Studio version: Unknown
Processor: Intel Core i5-9300H
Browser: Microsoft Edge


I tried the BTRoblox method, I can vouch it works. Hopefully this annoying bug gets fixed soon, thanks!

I have been having the exact same problem, plugins just won’t install. Its really annoying and I hope Roblox staff fixes it soon!

(To add to this the plugin can not be seen in the toolbox as it is a small plugin)

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I found a temporary fix, once you click the install button on the website it makes you “own” the plugin. So now just go to your tool box then “My Plugins” and the plugin should be there ready to be installed.

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