Hello! I’m Hydrinated and I’m trying to find some plugins to help me with UI Designing.
Please reply with useful UI Designing Plugins
Rather than using a plugin, try to use a external program, works really well, here is one that I just thought of
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Hm. Okay!
I’ll use the plugin, It looks like it scales UI on all devices.
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Okay, Thanks for the plugin!
Use uiDesign you can use to roundify guis and add shadows to it
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uiDesign for shadows is great, But making it round won’t work so good.
Roblox Replaced Roundify with UICorner
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Roundify is pretty useful it’s just if you do use roundify set the zindex to 0.
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I use theses three, very simple but very good.
What program do you use?
Do you use more than one and how do you go from platform to platform?