Not sure if related but a while ago some (not all of them) plugins started to glitch when I try to disable them their Toolbar Buttons wont go away. And they also wont work anymore because the plugin is disabled.
I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?
Method of reproduction (can be found in screenshot):
– Using a plugin, create a toolbar and a button with it.
– Attempt to call destroy on those instances.
This continues to be an annoying problem. As someone who is developing plugins as part of a suite, I would rather be able to group them all together under a single toolbar than have separate toolbars with only a single action which simply toggles the pseudo-enabled/disabled state of the said plugin. Currently, I am left with the following if I try to add a button to the bar, then fully deactivate and reactivate a plugin.
Iterating on plugin code using Accessible Plugins is made extremely difficult due to the fact that the plugin is not able to properly clean itself up when it is disabled. It shocks me that this has been an issue for almost two years and nothing has been done to fix it. @MisterGreenTurtle
Yesterday marked the 2-year aniversary for this bug (happy birthday). This is still a recurring issue and I was able to reproduce the bug since a minute ago. The ToolbarButton should remove itself from the Toolbar when calling PluginToolbarButton:Destroy(), but it did not.
If you want a solution you can use my createSharedToolbar module which is what all my GeomTools plugins use to group themselves into one toolbar and work even if you dynamically load / unload them by dynamically binding the different Lua code to same button (which continues to exist), and recreating that button if it gets destroyed by the owning plugin unloading.