Sorry, I should have pasted the whole code. I did the tutorial as accurately as I could.
local Settings =
["Tags"] = { --This is where the tags are put. The tagged thing will be displayed on the minimap with the desired settings. You can use a plugin like Tag Editor to give parts tags.
["Gui"] = { --This is all the settings for the Guis. (This is more advanced! Please don't touch if you're not experienced!)
["mapSize"] =,0,.25,0); --This is the size of the map.
["borderSize"] = 3; --This is the size of the border surrounding the map.
["anchorPoint"] =,1); --This is the anchorpoint for the map gui.
["mapPosition"] =,-5,1,-5); --This is the position of the map. "anchorPoint" will have an effect on the position.
--This is the colors of the things
["mapColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(103, 161, 255); --This is the color, if some parts of the map are transparent / you're at the edge of the map.
["borderColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(51,51,51); --The color of the border sorrounding the map.
--This is the transparency of the gui elements
["mapTransparency"] = .5; --This is the backgroundtransparency of the map.
["borderTransparency"] = 0; --This is the backgroundtransparency of the border.
--This is the rounded corners of the gui things
["mapCornerRoundness"] =, 5); --This is the roundness of the map gui.
["borderCornerRoundness"] =, 5); --This is the roundness of the border sorrounding the map gui. (I recommend keeping it the same as the roundness of the map gui).
["blipColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255); --This is the backgroundcolor for the blips
["blipTransparency"] = .5; --This is the background transparency for the blips.
["blipBorderSizePixel"] = 2; --This is the bordersize for the blips.
["blipBorderColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0); --This is the color for the blip's border.
["playerSize"] =,25,0,25); --This is the size of the player that is in the center of the map. Default is 25x25 pixels.
["playerIcon"] = 5483943698; --This is the textureid for the player displayed in the center of the map.
["toolTipHeight"] = 15;
["toolTipColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(30, 30, 30);
["toolTipBorderColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0);
["toolTipTransparency"] = .5;
["toolTipBorderSize"] = 2;
["toolTipTextColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255);
["Map"] = {
["mapId"] = 6313124211; --The textureid for the map. -- 10337275837
["size"] =,504); --The size of the map in studs.
["mapCenter"] =,53,64)
["Technical"] = { --This is some technical settings.
["onePixel"] = .75; --This is what one pixel is in studs.
["maxBlipDistance"] = 1000; --This is how far away the blips can be from the character before disappearing from the map (In studs). Default is 500.
["rotation"] = true; --This controlls of the map is rotating with the camera. Set it to false to make it stop rotating with the camera.
["Visible"] = true; --This is for when you want to have your minimap hidden when the player initially joins. You will have to toggle the minimap with scripts if this is set to false.
["mapRotation"] = -180; --The amount of degrees the map has to be rotated for it to be correct.
return Settings
Oops, I forgot to change it back. I was testing it to make sure that it was just a problem with the ID, and forgot to switch it back… I will send a video of what happens
This is a screenshot of what happened, the minimap is in the bottom right. The player’s icon turns perfectly fine, but it’s just an endless sea of blue… I thought it was that I put in the wrong center position, but I checked and it was correct.
I am also having this problem.
[“Map”] = {
[“mapId”] = 10551189971; --The textureid for the map.
[“size”] =,109,525.4327104); --The size of the map in studs.
[“mapCenter”] =, 157.777, -135.191)
Use the textureid 10551189888 to make your map show. (You are not using the right id)
You also have to make sure your size is correct. A vector2 only takes in two values. You have inserted 3 values Maybe also doublecheck your render. It seems something is wrong, because there’s a big white rectangle on the left side of your uploaded image.
I have replaced the textureid to make my map show however I am still having the same problem. What would the correct two values be for the vector2? I have also rendered my map again without the large white rectangle on my uploaded image under the ID 10552499901.
I added a Draggable script into the ViewportFrame, but it doesn’t drag. Do you think this is because of the Minimap scripts? I’m trying to get the ViewportFrame to move, with the parent Frame having ClipsDescendants on.