Plum's minimap - Rotating map, bordersnapping blips and more!

Would love to see a feature to zoom and drag :eyes:

Edit: I made my own minimap system to have these. ty plum for the minimap system while I still used it

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While this is a nice minimap system, it would be nice if I was able to put it into my own GUIs so i dont have one that looks oddly out of place.

Does anyone here know, why my RoRender generate image like this?

The things you want rendered should be inside your cube. If this doesn’t solve it then try reloading the rorender app & the plugin.

It’s inside the cube already tho, do you know maybe any other reason?

Try searching the rorender dev forum post. And try oversizing the cube so it goes through the base part

Oh so it has to go through base part?

Was excited to use this but still need a procedurally generate minimap. Perhaps a a sparse terrain grid of read voxels with lookup tables that return a pixel color relative to the terrain and perhap a lighter coor the lower the plane is

Why can’t you? It’s open source

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What you’re proposing here is an entirely different type of minimap to what is offered here. You could take the central ideas of the minimap (blips, equations etc.) and implement the procedural generation of the image with ray casts but it would be more costly than what you’d gain from it at the end. When editable images are released this could however be an option that may be worth looking into.

You can edit and configure the code as you like. The minimap is written using roact so you could edit the components to look just as you’d like. You can also edit the settings with colors and sizes which gives people who would want it a different look.

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sounds like a interesting project! I do have a minimap in my game I made from scratch. It is a bit old school but also very performant. It’s unfortunately wasn’t designed as a module. It uses image icons that you can click on and navigate to that place on the minimap. Kind of like old school runescape esque where you can click the minimap to navigate.
If anything I think that would be a neat and easy implementation/option provided you have some code lying around for pathing.

I see that you still respond to this post, is there any way to make it draggable? I got it to work with zooming, but I am unsure about dragging.

You could probably make the minimap draggable using the :Reposition function positioning the minimap to the mouse location. You’d have to do some hacky code to detect when the player clicks the UI tho by accessing it under the RoactTree.

Interesting. Doesn’t the reposition move the whole gui rather than just the map though?

I misunderstood your question. Yes reposition moves the whole gui. It is not possible to make the map dragable.

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Alright well either way, I got this pretty cool map, I appreciate your work on this module and the quick responses :grin:


how did you make it scrollable?

--/ Zoom

	if not bigMapOpened or input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel or not hovering then
	local up = input.Position.Z > 0
	local currentPixel = minimapSettings.Technical.onePixel
	if up and currentPixel > 0.8 then
		minimap:SetOnePixel(minimapSettings.Technical.onePixel - scrollAmount)
	elseif not up and currentPixel < 2 then
		minimap:SetOnePixel(minimapSettings.Technical.onePixel + scrollAmount)

thanks for the super fast response, will help out a ton (:

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