Plum's minimap - Rotating map, bordersnapping blips and more!

My Map looks like this, and the center and mapsize is set correctly.

How would I go about making all blips visible at all times, without specifying a max distance?

You can make them visible by specifying a max distance like math.huge and making blips snap. No other way to do it.

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Sadly this method does not work over long distances.

This is probably because of streaming enabled.

Hello Everyone!
I have made an update to this post adding a tutorial video showing how to set up this minimap using RoRender V3!
How to create a minimap in Roblox - YouTube

I have also made some updates to the sourcecode making it possible to add multiple images in order to keep up the image quality. This will however require multiple renders using RoRender V3 which might take some time.

You can download the minimap for free here Plum’s Minimap by Plum ( donations etc. will give me an incentive to update this minimap with wanted features, but it is not required.

That was all from me :slight_smile:

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Hello! I have made an update to the minimap which should make it possible for you to fix this problem :slight_smile: You can watch my walkthrough setting up the minimap in order to get the full understanding.
How to create a minimap in Roblox - YouTube

Thank you so much! About to go in and test it now.

What would the issue be with the minimap being blue?


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I’ve just tested your settings in a game. It looks like your images doesn’t work for some reason :confused:

Rip, maybe roblox didn’t approve :frowning:

Your images are also VERY large. This could maybe be the reason.

so do you suggest doing like 8 renders instead?

When I write your id’s into a decal manually i get another texture id. You should use that id, and that is why it’s not working.

Thank you, I will try that then.

It works now, but since the quality is like this, does that mean I need to do little squares instead of the huge rectangles ?

Yes the smaller your images of the map is the better quality. If you want the best quality, then you should go with 1024x1024, but this would probably also introduce more lag. Try to find a sweetspot where you get good quality, with the least amount of images.

It has come to my attention that a scaling bug was present when using scaling on the minimap. This has been fixed in the newest bug fix, and it is highly recommended that you download this version of the minimap here Plum’s Minimap by Plum (

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Does this solve the issue where blips weren’t snapping to the new scaled area?

Yes this solves the inaccuracies when scaling the minimap.