Plum's minimap - Rotating map, bordersnapping blips and more!

Set the parent of the minimap to your own screengui, Should look like mine then:

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These warnings are from Roact’s .spec files, which are used for unit testing. TestEZ (the unit testing library which is used by Roact) adds functions to the script’s environment so that you can write unit tests.

I’ve added scaling!
@SillyMeTimbers @ZiiuuLL


for some reason when i changed the tag names and the icons, they arent snapping to the border even if its true, idk why it happens lol

I am unable to recreate this bug. Are you getting any errors in the output? Make sure that your minimap is updated to the newest version.

im not getting any errors on the output, and i took your minimap model and i set it up and etc. it was working fine then i decided to put the tags, i put ClothShop, GunShop and Objective, i changed there and i put every blip to rotate and snap to the border, when i move the parts out of the minimap distance they just disappear, i tried recreating the bug on another baseplate and the same thing happened, i changed the icon and the name, and i put the background transparency of the blip to 1

sorry for the late answer it was midnight when you sent

actually i was testing out and my pixel per stud thing was on 10 and if the blip is around 980 studs away from the player it disappears, any way of disabling this feature?

You can customize the max blips distance to your liking. If you would like to disable, then you set the setting [“Technical”] → [“maxBlipDistance”] to math.huge or whatever distance you would like.

I’m not sure what the bug you’re trying to describe is. Could record a gif of it and send it to me? You can use ShareX for this.

yea my explanation was bad, so basically i changed the name of the tags and its icons, and set the pixel per stud of the minimap to 10, so i think the minimap can capture 1200 studs, but when the blip is around 980 studs from the player, the blip disappears, but now i realize im pretty dumb, the option you said complety solved my problem, i didnt see it, thanks!

pretty genius on this minimap lol

The github repository has now been updated.

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hey, when i changed the mapsize from ‘fromoffset’ to .new and added scaling, the whole minimap changed black, and im pretty sure i didnt do anything wrong


I have a question, will you add a GPS road system for the minimap? just like Grand Theft Auto modern games? or RoCitizens?

Try updating your minimap with the newest version from the toolbox :slight_smile:

This is something I will look into, but will probably not come in the near future. It would take a good amount of work + i would have to rewrite the whole minimap from the ground up for it to work without hacky solutions.

So no. Probably not :slight_smile:

Hey @frederikhome, Not 100% sure If it was something I noticed but the map system doesn’t exactly go well with large maps, Is there a way you can support multiple images to connect it to one map? Perhaps through a table with all the Images.

MapImages = {
1 = "MapID";


MapImages = {
"MapID"; -- I forgot if this would work :rofl: 

In this order or something similar


This is so cool! I really love you’re work, keep it up!


Is there any other way for me to get an image for the minimap?

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No sadly not. The best way, is the way described in the post :slight_smile:

So there is no way for me to make it follow the current map of the server?